No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Hiding!
내가 숨어있는 건 아무리 생각해도 너희들 탓이야!
No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Hiding!
타니가와 니코 작가님의 만화 '내가 인기없는 건 아무리 생각해도 너희들 탓이야!'의 팬 게임 '내가 숨어있는 건 아무리 생각해도 너희들 탓이야!'를 만들었습니다.
쿠로키와 같이 하교 하고 싶은 5명의 친구가 되어서 누구보다 먼저 쿠로키를 잡으면 되는 술래잡기 게임입니다. 즐겁게 플레이 해주세요!
You are one of Kuroki's friends and you want to go home with Kuroki. If you catch Kuroki, you can see the ending cut scene
私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! Fan madeゲームです。
키보드, 가상패드 조작 이동 : 방향키 상호작용 : 스페이스바 필살기 사용 : A키 뒤로가기 : ESC | キーボード操作 移動:方向キー 相互作用:スペースバー 必殺技使用:Aキー メニュー:ESC | keyboard controls move: arrow keys interact: space key ulatimate: A key back: ESC |
게임패드 조작 이동 : D-Pad 상호작용 : A버튼 필살기 사용 : X버튼 뒤로가기 : B버튼 | ゲームパッド操作 移動:D-Pad 相互作用:Aボタン 必殺技使用:Xボタン メニュー:Bボタン | gamepad controls move: D-pad, left stick interact: A button ultimate: X buttonback: B button |
2019년에 만든 게임을 웹플레이어로 이식했습니다.
모바일로 플레이 하신다면 데스크탑으로 보기를 체크하시고, 화면 우측 상단의 버튼을 누르면 가상패드를 사용할 수 있습니다.
I porting the game I made in 2019 as a web player.
If you are playing mobile, check the view on your desktop and press the button in the upper right corner of the screen to use the virtual pad.
2019年に作ったゲームを ウェブプレーヤーに移植しました。

Thank you for playing!!
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OMG I love this game so much and I have some suggestions that will help develop it. If you can't, that's fine.
1. The ultimate button is a bit hard to press on PC. If you change the button to Z , the back button from ESC to X and Space bar to C. it will be much easier to play because every time you press ESC, the game will shrink the screen.
2. It seems that there are side characters at various points, which I would like to know their history. You can make a character history page or add them to the playable characters.
3. As per point 2, if you add them as the main characters, you can expand the game map by adding more floors to increase the challenge.
Anyway, thank you very much for making this game.
I noticed that the game has a bit of a yuri feeling, like I found a treasure:)Ps. Sorry for my bad gramma cause english not my main languegeToT.
Since it is a very old project, it is difficult to make modifications. 😥 Thank you for playing.
Remarkably cute.
Love your games <3
Thank you for playing!!
해외 사이트에서 보기 힘든 한국인이 만든 게임... 귀하군요
I LOVE IT<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
I've been playing this game all day trying to get the endings, it's so much fun and so creative! Ucchii and Yoshida are probably my favorite to play lmao
Thank you for playing!